Tag: Workplace Anxiety

Workplace Anxiety

Work-life balance is a principle that universities and colleges tend to imprint on students’ minds. Right after graduation and upon having the right job, little did they know that this principle is more of a dream than a philosophy.

Recent studies reveal that the most stressful locations include the workplace. Employees, fond of getting their job done and earn, tend to neglect their own health. They tend to overwork, sleep late, and skip meals. Their physical body may already be immune to these stressful activities, but their mental system isn’t.

37% of fatalities linked with mental illnesses were due to mental disorders caused by workplace anxiety. In order to prevent having one, here are 5 tips that might actually help:

  1. Time management. Cramming is really stressful. And as we know, mental disorders start from engaging in too many stressful activities. Achieve and keep up on your deadlines by managing your time. As soon as a project needs to be submitted and deadlines need to be met, make a schedule of the things you should do. This will help you track your progress and increase productivity.
  2. Make mistakes. This is one useful tip to success given by Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder. Being obsessed with perfection is a bad trait and attracts stressful vibes. Being afraid to make mistakes is one of the factors that can trigger anxiety. Making mistakes is actually good because it will help you learn. Pushing one’s self to his limits just to prove perfection should be avoided.
  3. Calm breathing. Calm breathing is an exercise where you take deep breaths while being in a relaxed position. This is helpful in times where you are experiencing panic attacks or emotional breakdowns. This exercise also relieves stress and puts the heart rate back to normal.

Don’t be a victim of over anxiousness. Stay healthy, be optimistic, and overcome the odds!